Custom Mouthguards for Sports and Sleep

Custom mouthguards help keep your mouth safe from damage caused by clenching or grinding. Mouthguards are ideal for those who play contact sports and those who tend to grind their teeth. A custom-fitted mouthguard from Houlik Family Dentistry can help you stop grinding your teeth, clenching your jaw, or sustaining damage from sports. This is a simple yet non-invasive solution that can protect your teeth, gums, and tongue from damage that can last a lifetime.

Mouthguards for Kids and Young Adults

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends a mouthguard for all children and youth participating in organized sports activities. Sports with the highest incidences of tooth injury include basketball, baseball, hockey, rugby, and soccer. Among non-organized sports, bicycles frequently contribute to dental injuries in children. Other recreational sports where mouthguards provide protection include skateboarding and skating.

Injuries to the mouth cause lasting damage. If you lose a tooth due to injury, call Houlik Family Dentistry immediately. Do not touch the root of the tooth and rinse it off with water. If reimplantation is possible, it needs to happen quickly under the care of an experienced dentist. Control bleeding in the mouth with light pressure and cold compresses.

Houlik Family Dentistry for Mouthguards

Prevent damage to your teeth and gums with easy-to-use mouthguards from Houlik Family Dentistry. The design process is fast and painless. As a result, your custom-fitted mouthguard will be ready for use immediately. Enjoy physical activity with the protection and assurance of a mouthguard. Call or connect online with Houlik Family Dentistry for mouthguard questions and consultations.